Hatchery Choice Rare will be any assortment of rare breeds based on availability. Breeds that could be included in this assortment: Partridge Plymouth Rock, Midnight Majesty Marans®, Sapphire Olive Egger™, Speckled Sussex, Blue Andalusian, Silver Lakenvelder, Cuckoo Marans, French Black Copper Marans, French Cuckoo Marans, French Wheaten Marans, Welsummer, Barnevelder, Prairie Bluebell Egger®, Starlight Green Egger™, Olive Egger, Salmon Faverolles, Cochins, Turkens, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Columbian Wyandotte, Light Brahma, Buff Brahma, Dark Brahma, Lavender Orpington. {{br}}There is no guarantee which breeds will be included. This is based on availability on the day of the hatch. {{br}} Purpose: Variety For The Flock and Egg Basket Production: 175-265 Medium to Large Cream/Brown/Colored Eggs/Year Temperament: Varies by Breed Mature Weight: 4-7 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Varies by Breed Comb Type: Varies by Breed
ORDER NOWThe Starlight Green Egger™ is very similar to the Prairie Bluebell Egger™. This breed was created by crossing the Prairie Bluebell Egger™ with a brown egg layer, the result is a chicken breed that lays high quantities of only green eggs. As with the Prairie Bluebell Egger™, the Starlight Green Egger™ is a lightweight and very active breed that is an excellent forager in free-range situations. The plumage color is also highly variable and comes in many beautiful color patterns not typically seen. If you are looking for a bird that consistently lays a green egg and will lay a lot of them, all while having a beautiful color pattern, then the Starlight Green Egger™ will be a great addition to your flock! {{br}} {{b}}*There may be a 5% chance of laying brown eggs with this hybrid. {{/b}} {{br}} Purpose: Egg Layer Production: 280 Large Green Eggs/Year Temperament: Active, Easy Going Mature Weight: 5-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Pea Comb
ORDER NOWThe Sapphire Olive Egger™ is both easy on the eyes and the olive eggs are sure to be a great addition to your “eggscape” in your egg carton! This hybrid is a wonderful egg layer, and you cannot resist that tuft on their heads! These birds adapt well to different climates, especially warmer ones. {{br}}{{b}}*This hybrid is not perfect, about 5% of the hens may lay brown eggs.*{{/b}} {{br}} Purpose: Egg Layer Production: 290 X-Large Olive Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Active Mature Weight: 6-7 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb
ORDER NOWThis perfect backyard chicken breed is named for India’s Brahmaputra River. The breed probably came to the U.S. on Nineteenth Century sailing ships, or it may have been developed here from other Asian breeds. Hens weigh about 5-6 pounds with loose fluffy feathers that make them look bigger. Feathers cover their feet and shanks, keeping them warm in winter. Their docile, gentle, and quiet temperament makes them one of the best breeds around children. Hens lay about 200 medium-sized brown eggs annually, sometimes go broody, and are attentive mothers. {{br}} Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 200 Medium Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Calm, Friendly, Docile Mature Weight: 5-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Pea Comb
ORDER NOWOur Prairie Bluebell Egger® lays a novel blue egg but produces higher quality eggs than a pure Araucana. This breed was created by crossing Araucanas and White Leghorns, this creates a chicken that lays a large quantity of eggs that have blue shells. The Prairie Bluebell Egger® is an active bird that is very good at foraging. They are lightweight and do not eat as much as larger breeds. Plumage color varies considerably among individuals, so you can count on having a great variety of beautiful color patterns. {{br}} Purpose: Egg Layer Production: 240 Medium Blue Eggs/Year Temperament: Active, Athletic, Alert Mature Weight: 4-5 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Pea Comb
ORDER NOWSpeckled Sussex originated in England in AD 43, making them one of the oldest known breeds. The oldest and most common coloring is the speckled breed that has dark brown or mahogany-colored feathers and some black and blue feathers with white ends making the speckles show throughout their plumage. {{br}} Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 240 Medium Cream Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Friendly, Gentle Mature Weight: 7-8 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb
ORDER NOWThe Turkens are not half chicken and half turkey, they are a unique chicken with a bare neck like the turkey and with very little feathering around the breast and wing areas. Despite their lack of feathers, they are very cold weather tolerant. They are friendly and easy to tame, plus they make for great conversation with curious neighbors. {{br}} Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 265 Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Friendly, Easily To Tame Mature Weight: 6-7 lbs. Hardiness: Heat and Cold Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb
ORDER NOWThe Midnight Majesty Marans® have black plumage and most hatch with feathered feet, but some do not. Deep browns show up through their down feathering underneath, making them a mix of beautiful dark brown and black plumage. The males are barred. This breed will lay dark brown eggs and will lay a lot of them! You will truly enjoy this breed in your backyard flock and its dark eggs in your egg carton! These hybrids perform well in many different climates. {{br}} Purpose: Egg Layer Production: 250 Large Dark Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Calm, Friendly Mature Weight: 7-8 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb
ORDER NOWThis perfect backyard chicken breed is named for India’s Brahmaputra River. The breed probably came to the U.S. on Nineteenth Century sailing ships, or it may have been developed here from other Asian breeds. Either way, Brahmas are enormous. Feathers cover their feet and shanks, keeping them warm in winter. Their docile, gentle, and quiet temperament makes them one of the best breeds around children. Hens lay about 200 medium-sized brown eggs annually, sometimes go broody, and are attentive mothers. {{br}} Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 200 Medium Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Calm, Friendly, Docile Mature Weight: 7-8 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Often Comb Type: Pea Comb
ORDER NOWOne of the best breeds for newcomers to chickens, and for families with young children. Named for the English town where they were developed, Orpingtons come in several feather colors, but all are big quiet birds with fluffy feathers that keep them toasty warm during frigid weather. {{br}} Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 220 Medium Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Calm, Gentle, Friendly, Good with Children Mature Weight: 7-8 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb
ORDER NOWMystic Onyx® were originally developed as a meat bird for a market similar to the Asian Blacks, but upon seeing their beauty, we decided to make these available to the public. These birds were developed from Silkies by crossing with meat birds and selecting for size, and their dark skin and meat. They resemble a Svart Hona or Ayam Cemani in color but typically feature orange-red flares in their plumage, creating a beautiful contrast with their iridescent green plumage and mulberry or black combs, and the occasional tuft on their head. They do come in a variety of colors from orange to red to the more typical black with red flares. These have easily become one of our favorites at the hatchery, as they are also good egg layers of light brown eggs. If you are looking for a standout in your flock, these are a great addition! {{br}} Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 225 Medium Light Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Active, Energetic Mature Weight: 5-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Single Comb
ORDER NOWThe Bielefelder is a recent import to the U.S. that originated in Bielefeld, Germany. A poultry breeder by the name of Gerd Roth developed the breed by crossing New Hampshires, Malines, Amrocks, and Wyandottes to create an auto-sexing, dual-purpose breed. Auto-sexing means that day-old chicks can be sexed when they hatched based on their coloring. Day-old pullet chicks have brown “chipmunk stripes” on their backs, while cockerel chicks are a much lighter shade and do not have any stripes. Adult Bielefelders are beautiful birds and have a color pattern similar to the crele color pattern found in other breeds. The hens have a brown ground color overlaid with faint bars of white and gray. Males have orange barred hackles, backs, and saddles with the tails and breast being black with white barring. Bielefelders are an excellent dual-purpose breed that lays an abundance of brown eggs while still having a well-fleshed carcass. {{br}} Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 230 X-Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Calm, Curious, Active, Friendly Mature Weight: 6-10 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Single Comb